BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Body Walk 2025 UID:4 DESCRIPTION:The Body Walk 2024\n\n1st September 2025 – 30th September 2025\n\nJOIN US this September for Vascular Awareness Month!\n\nAre you ready to take on a new challenge? Join us in collectively achieving the 60,000 miles that make up the circulatory system!\n\nAbout The Body Walk\n\nSeptember is Vascular Awareness Month, and the Circulation Foundation's #TheBodyWalk is a national campaign to raise awareness of vascular disease, fund vital research, and support patients. We're inviting everyone to help us raise funds and support individuals coping with serious circulatory problems.\n\nThe circulatory system is incredibly long - if you were to lay out all the arteries, veins, and capillaries in one adult end to end, they would stretch about 60,000 miles (100,000 kilometers).\n\nOur Goal: Walk, run, cycle, and/or swim a total of 60,000 miles during September.\n\nOur Progress: Since starting in 2020, we've completed 40,764 miles and raised £23,774!\n\nHow You Can Participate\n\nEVERY mile matters and EVERY step counts! Join up today: WE NEED YOUR MILES!\n\nRegister and Track Your Miles:\n\nSign up and link your fundraising page to your Strava account. Your miles will automatically populate when you complete them (or you can add them manually if you use a static bike, treadmill, etc., at home or in the gym).\n\nDon’t have a Strava account? You can download and create a Strava account for free on your app store. \n\n \n\nTeams (up to 6 people):\n\nGather a team of family, friends, or colleagues.\n\nChoose a team leader to register and create the team.\n\nOther team members should register under the ‘Individual Entry as part of a team’ option and join the team.\n\nConnect your Strava accounts to contribute to the team total.\n\nVascular Unit Competition:\n\nVascular units will compete against each other.\n\nThe team with the most donations in September wins the #TheBodyWalk Vascular Unit trophy, awarded at The Vascular Societies' Annual Scientific Meeting dinner.\n\nIndividual Entries:\n\nThe individual with the most donations and miles will receive a #TheBodyWalk trophy.\n\nFollow this link to join today: ENTER HERE\n\nYou've got to be in it to win it, so sign up today! Warning:  Pride is at stake.\n\nEnquiries: If you have any questions, please email us at\n\n DTSTART:20250831T230000Z DTEND:20250929T230000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR