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Meet the Team

Neeraj Bhasin

Neeraj Bhasin

Neeraj is Deputy Medical Director & Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust and Chair of the Circulation Foundation. Neeraj has been Chair of the Circulation Foundation since 2022. He understands the responsibility that comes with leading this important charity and the positive far-reaching impact it can have. He is committed to an inclusive approach to ensure the charity fulfils its aims and continues to develop and evolve.

Gail Ryan

Gail Ryan

Gail is Co-Director of Executive Business Support (EBS). EBS proudly supports the Circulation Foundation and leads the project management, support, and administration. EBS has more than 25 years actively contributing to the long-term success, stability, and growth of professional membership associations and charities.

Georgia Brown

Georgia Brown

Georgia is a Client Support Administrator at EBS, managing communication, fundraising, and project management for the Circulation Foundation.

Kate Donovan

Kate Donovan

Kate is a Vascular Specialist Nurse working in Liverpool Vascular and Endovascular Service (LiVES) and is a member of the Circulation Foundation committee as an affiliated member from the Society of Vascular Nurses (SVN). Kate provides support by assisting in developing the understanding and awareness of Arterial and Venous disease on a national level for patients, relatives, and junior colleagues.

Sean Pymer

Sean Pymer

Sean is an Academic Clinical Exercise Physiologist at Hull York Medical School and Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Sean supports the CF where possible, including fundraising, raising awareness, contributing to online and social media material, and engaging with patients. Sean became involved with the CF as vascular disease has a significant impact on patients and families, but awareness of it is much lower than other conditions such as heart disease and cancer. By being involved with the CF, Sean hopes to raise awareness so that more people can access support and treatment, aligning with the CF's vision of a society free of vascular disease and its associated suffering.

Joseph Shalhoub

Joseph Shalhoub

Joe is a Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London. In 2008, Joe received the Circulation Foundation Mary Davies Research Fellowship, which proved invaluable to complete his PhD at Imperial College London and, in turn, facilitate Joe’s development as a researcher. The Circulation Foundation has long been a reliable source of information for patients with vascular conditions, and Joe often directs his patients to These are amongst the reasons Joe wanted to 'give back' to The Circulation Foundation, The Vascular Charity that works tirelessly for patients and those who care for them.

Laura Shields

Laura Shields

Laura sadly lost her mum to vascular disease, and following her passing, Laura wanted to do something to raise awareness of the disease and to show her gratitude to the surgeons, clinicians, and allied health professionals who care for patients with the disease. Fundraising & raising awareness of the disease from a carer’s perspective. As a runner, I have had the privilege to run for the charity at the Edinburgh Half Marathon and the Great North Run to raise funds for the foundation.

Jagdeep Virdee

Jagdeep Virdee

Jagdeep Virdee (Juggi) is a Vascular Surgical Registrar based in Yorkshire. Juggi has taken responsibility for the co-ordination of patient information. Juggi became involved with the foundation because he saw how little awareness there was in the community about vascular conditions, and how little there is out there for patients with vascular problems.

Andrew Nickinson

Andrew Nickinson

Andrew is a key contributor to the Circulation Foundation, supporting various initiatives aimed at improving vascular health and patient outcomes.

Louise Allen

Paris Cai

Sohail Choksy

Kate Donovan

Suzanna Gradden

Kamran Modaresi

Sarah Nduwayo

Amy Thompson

Emma Waldegrave

Shirley Xueli Jia