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Corporate Support

Establishing relationships with companies is a very important area of growth for the Circulation Foundation. By linking with businesses we are able to increase our income and collaboratively raise awareness of our work, and the impact vascular disease has on our patients, their relatives, and the wider NHS.

We are a small charity, run by volunteers, so every donation makes a BIG difference. Our long-term goal is to eradicate vascular disease through our innovative research and awareness programmes, meanwhile, we are investing in the treatment of vascular disease, providing vital support for our patients and their families and increasing public awareness of the disease.


Why would you support The Circulation Foundation?

Being associated with a respected UK-wide charity will enable your company to reach a potential new audience and build your reputation as a socially responsible company.

Our corporate partners and sponsors support the Circulation Foundation for many reasons:-

For some, it’s about connecting with medical professionals, while for others, it’s about aligning their brand with positive health messages.

It will also give your employees the opportunity to take part in volunteering, expeditions and exciting events.


How Can You Support Us?

There are many ways in which you can get involved, here are a few ideas:-

Payroll Giving

Easy to set up and simple to manage, payroll giving is an effortless and tax-effective way for staff to support The Circulation Foundation.

Cause Related Marketing

CRM is a fantastic way to promote your brand and raise money and awareness for Vascular Disease. Research from Business in the Community shows that 86% of consumers are more likely to buy a product that is associated with a cause or issue and 73% of consumers would switch brands!

Donations of money

You could also encourage your employees

  • To Fundraise, - from 5k runs to bake sales!
  • To Participate in Challenges and Events
Sponsor Research Awards

You could choose to fund and name an award for a specific field of research  or Vascular Campaign.

It doesn’t matter whether your company employs two people or two thousand, whether you have a fixed idea about the way you want to get involved, or you’d like to explore options we would love to work with you. Please call us on 0207 2057151 to discuss how we might work together. You can also Download the PDF below for information to potential corporate sponsors.

By working together, we can make a difference!